Enter baby girl #3; she was destined to be a princess. We are almost a decade older than when we began this parenting journey; more financially sound, way more tired, and much wiser as to how quickly each childhood stage slips away.We’ve enjoyed EVERY stage with our baby. She dresses to the nines when we run errands (and sometimes that means wearing a dinosaur costume to grocery shop). She ADORES her “seesters” and is always open to the next experience. Her latest adventure was swimming lessons, and this is where the term consequence was cemented into her vocabulary.

Lesson 2: She’s not thrilled to lay on her back and float, but still thinks swimming is fun!
Lesson 3: So excited to get there to practice mermaid skills, and surprisingly, so ready to leave!

The next day I tell her to hurry up and put on her favorite pink “polka-not” swim suit so we’re not late for lessons. She threw herself to the floor and SCREECHED, “I’m NOT swim!” The meltdown turned into a full blown tantrum on the drive to the pool.
I calmly replied, “You WILL attend your swim lesson. I don’t care if you sit there the whole time, but you will go.”

She just sat there. And then her instructor brought out the MERMAID fins. Whatever fear or stubbornness was holding my girl hostage-could not stand against the opportunity to swim like a REAL MERMAID.So she got in the water. Five minutes later we found out why she was so difficult, she did not like JUMPING off the wall into the pool. The teacher convinced her to try, and this time, she did not let her head go below the surface. And just like that baby girl was swimming again

Lesson 5 - I did it mom!!! I jumped! Jumping’s not my favorite. I swam like a mermaid! I love swimming! When will we swim again?
It’s humbling to watch your child conquer her fears and learn obedience at the same time.