I didn’t know it at the time, but a non-functioning thyroid was adding to the depressive mix. With knowledge comes power! So now I make a point to accomplish at least ONE THING every day. On really crazy days, that may mean organizing a junk drawer or washing one load of laundry (over time my standards have switched from crazy unrealistic over expectations-to powering through my parenting reality). Some days it’s a victory to have clean dishes in the dishwasher & milk in the fridge. Am I right?
Over the next few weeks I’ll share my training story and more about the actual event. But enough about me, what about you? Is there anything you secretly want to do before you turn 30/40/50/100?
Why not write it on paper, post it on the fridge and start working towards your goal TODAY!
As I told myself, if pigs can fly, then I can certainly run 13.1 miles!