Saw this post in my "I posted these once but maybe it's time again" file.
Can't say I have really been enjoying my body lately (although my baby sure has as we are still on the breastfeeding journey that on some days feels like it may never end).
In fact, is there an opposite to enjoying your body. Maybe the opposite is kinda hating it...or at least being very annoyed by it. That's been me lately. Just...ANNOYED!
But why? Has it done anything wrong? Not even close. In fact...it has done a bunch of stuff RIGHT. Like growing an entire human in just 9 short months. WHAT?! How in the world could I be annoyed with such a miracle maker?
And yet, here I am. Wishing I was still a size 6. Wishing I could still run a 9-minute mile. Wishing I could eat ice cream and not get fat. Ok...maybe I never pulled off the last one...but I was at least willing to eat less ice cream & find happiness in my bowls full of broccoli, which is NOT happening these days.
AS I write this, I am asking myself if I want to keep feeling this way. The answer is a resounding NO. It is just no fun to look in the mirror & think negative thoughts about a body that has done so much for me & with me. Starting today, I vow to find the parts of my reflection I am proud of. Something new every day until I have officially said, "I love you & I am grateful for you" to every dang part of my body. Because I deserve it. You do too. Seriously. Who's with me?!
"Enjoy your body." It's probably the sexiest thing a man has ever said to me. He said it as I left for yoga class. I remember it every time I step on my mat.
And then...I DO enjoy what my body is able to do. Thru every torturous twist, challenging stretch, & impossible posture. In the middle of each moment where I am uncomfortable, but also aware I am capable of what the instructor is asking me to do. And in those edgy, uncomfortable moments I find the thing I can enjoy. The new openness I am creating in that moment. The old boundary I blew past into new territory. The possibilities I discovered exist for me.
And then I take those discoveries off my mat & back into the "real world" where I smile when things get uncomfortable...because I know that means something amazing is about to happen if I am willing to enjoy the ride, discomfort & all. So grateful for those brilliant words & all they have given me over the last few years!! What seemingly simple words have changed the trajectory of your life?
Can't say I have really been enjoying my body lately (although my baby sure has as we are still on the breastfeeding journey that on some days feels like it may never end).
In fact, is there an opposite to enjoying your body. Maybe the opposite is kinda hating it...or at least being very annoyed by it. That's been me lately. Just...ANNOYED!
But why? Has it done anything wrong? Not even close. In fact...it has done a bunch of stuff RIGHT. Like growing an entire human in just 9 short months. WHAT?! How in the world could I be annoyed with such a miracle maker?
And yet, here I am. Wishing I was still a size 6. Wishing I could still run a 9-minute mile. Wishing I could eat ice cream and not get fat. Ok...maybe I never pulled off the last one...but I was at least willing to eat less ice cream & find happiness in my bowls full of broccoli, which is NOT happening these days.
AS I write this, I am asking myself if I want to keep feeling this way. The answer is a resounding NO. It is just no fun to look in the mirror & think negative thoughts about a body that has done so much for me & with me. Starting today, I vow to find the parts of my reflection I am proud of. Something new every day until I have officially said, "I love you & I am grateful for you" to every dang part of my body. Because I deserve it. You do too. Seriously. Who's with me?!
"Enjoy your body." It's probably the sexiest thing a man has ever said to me. He said it as I left for yoga class. I remember it every time I step on my mat.
And then...I DO enjoy what my body is able to do. Thru every torturous twist, challenging stretch, & impossible posture. In the middle of each moment where I am uncomfortable, but also aware I am capable of what the instructor is asking me to do. And in those edgy, uncomfortable moments I find the thing I can enjoy. The new openness I am creating in that moment. The old boundary I blew past into new territory. The possibilities I discovered exist for me.
And then I take those discoveries off my mat & back into the "real world" where I smile when things get uncomfortable...because I know that means something amazing is about to happen if I am willing to enjoy the ride, discomfort & all. So grateful for those brilliant words & all they have given me over the last few years!! What seemingly simple words have changed the trajectory of your life?