No Wrong Turns...Only "Tiki Tours"
Once while out driving with a friend, I wasn't sure where we were & said, "I think we're lost." "Oh no," she replied. "We're just on a tiki tour."
From that day on I adopted that outlook when I felt like I'd taken a "wrong turn" in life. Turns out, none of the turns were so wrong after all and the things I freaked out about the most (like getting laid off or breaking up with a boyfriend, for example) ended up being the best things that ever happened to me. In fact, one of my most magical days EVER (pictured here in Vandalia, IL) all started with what I thought was a wrong turn. But oh, how right it turned out to be! So if you feel like YOU'VE taken a "wrong turn," do yourself a favor...adopt the "tiki tour" outlook & see what amazing things might be right under your nose!
Once while out driving with a friend, I wasn't sure where we were & said, "I think we're lost." "Oh no," she replied. "We're just on a tiki tour."
From that day on I adopted that outlook when I felt like I'd taken a "wrong turn" in life. Turns out, none of the turns were so wrong after all and the things I freaked out about the most (like getting laid off or breaking up with a boyfriend, for example) ended up being the best things that ever happened to me. In fact, one of my most magical days EVER (pictured here in Vandalia, IL) all started with what I thought was a wrong turn. But oh, how right it turned out to be! So if you feel like YOU'VE taken a "wrong turn," do yourself a favor...adopt the "tiki tour" outlook & see what amazing things might be right under your nose!
Penny Perspectives
Many of us have big dreams or what I call "$20 bill visions." These are the goals we want to achieve in life. But have you broken down your dream into penny-sized actions? Things you can do every day? Attitudes you can have when your dream feels like it's father away than ever?
Join me in what I call the "Penny Perspective." It's about letting go of your idea that there is a "happily ever after" and creating your "happily ever NOW!" This picture was taken after the guy on the right ran his truck into my car & completely demolished both vehicles. If it weren't for my penny perspective, that would have been a MUCH worse day than it needed to be. Instead...there was joy, laughter, & a helluva good story to tell!
Many of us have big dreams or what I call "$20 bill visions." These are the goals we want to achieve in life. But have you broken down your dream into penny-sized actions? Things you can do every day? Attitudes you can have when your dream feels like it's father away than ever?
Join me in what I call the "Penny Perspective." It's about letting go of your idea that there is a "happily ever after" and creating your "happily ever NOW!" This picture was taken after the guy on the right ran his truck into my car & completely demolished both vehicles. If it weren't for my penny perspective, that would have been a MUCH worse day than it needed to be. Instead...there was joy, laughter, & a helluva good story to tell!
People Before Task
Many of us are task-oriented. Give us a checklist & a deadline and we're off to the races! As a Type-A, get-it-done-at-all-costs, go-go-go Army girl, I know I certainly was! But then I discovered that when I put my checklist aside & focused on the people I was working with, the work still got done AND the relationships got stronger. And the stronger the relationships, the better the work. So now when I feel myself getting tunnel vision on my to-do list, I step back, take a deep breath, & ask myself how I make the people I'm working with more important than the task we have to complete. Magic ensues.
Many of us are task-oriented. Give us a checklist & a deadline and we're off to the races! As a Type-A, get-it-done-at-all-costs, go-go-go Army girl, I know I certainly was! But then I discovered that when I put my checklist aside & focused on the people I was working with, the work still got done AND the relationships got stronger. And the stronger the relationships, the better the work. So now when I feel myself getting tunnel vision on my to-do list, I step back, take a deep breath, & ask myself how I make the people I'm working with more important than the task we have to complete. Magic ensues.
Today x 365
"If you repeated today 365 times, would you be where you wanted to in a year?" --Roz Savage. It's important to make progress on the things that are most important to you EVERY... SINGLE... DAY! Don't wait around until the timing is "perfect" then work feverishly. Perfection is something we create, not something we wait for. Savings accounts are built a penny at a time. Life is lived a moment at a time. And dreams come true a little bit every day, not magically all at once. If you repeated today 365 times, would you be any closer to the dreams you want to achieve?
"If you repeated today 365 times, would you be where you wanted to in a year?" --Roz Savage. It's important to make progress on the things that are most important to you EVERY... SINGLE... DAY! Don't wait around until the timing is "perfect" then work feverishly. Perfection is something we create, not something we wait for. Savings accounts are built a penny at a time. Life is lived a moment at a time. And dreams come true a little bit every day, not magically all at once. If you repeated today 365 times, would you be any closer to the dreams you want to achieve?
Waste Not, Want Not
I capital L-O-V-E... LOVE to find new ways to use old things!! This sculpture in the San Luis Obispo airport made up of old suitcases & trunks is a perfect example of how to breathe life into something that is tired & on its last legs.
This mentality serves me well in life & business, seeing opportunities where others only see what's broken or out of date. By just seeing things from a different angle or with a fresh eye (yes, that means it's ok to step away from a huge project when all you can see is a mess), you'll be shocked what new things you'll create from what was right there at your finger tips the whole time!
I capital L-O-V-E... LOVE to find new ways to use old things!! This sculpture in the San Luis Obispo airport made up of old suitcases & trunks is a perfect example of how to breathe life into something that is tired & on its last legs.
This mentality serves me well in life & business, seeing opportunities where others only see what's broken or out of date. By just seeing things from a different angle or with a fresh eye (yes, that means it's ok to step away from a huge project when all you can see is a mess), you'll be shocked what new things you'll create from what was right there at your finger tips the whole time!
Make Positive Ripples
Everything you do has an impact...kind of like you're throwing pebbles into the waters of life. The question is, "What kind of ripples are the pebbles YOU throw creating in the world around you?"
Every thought, every word, every action is a chance to throw a positive stone. It may create a positive ripple just for you, or it may travel far & wide. Whatever the case, the best way to ensure you're awash in positive ripples is to make sure those are the only kind you create. Like it or not, YOU are the source of most ripples around you!
Everything you do has an impact...kind of like you're throwing pebbles into the waters of life. The question is, "What kind of ripples are the pebbles YOU throw creating in the world around you?"
Every thought, every word, every action is a chance to throw a positive stone. It may create a positive ripple just for you, or it may travel far & wide. Whatever the case, the best way to ensure you're awash in positive ripples is to make sure those are the only kind you create. Like it or not, YOU are the source of most ripples around you!