Let's Make Life A Little More Fun, Shall We?!

The first thing I recommend to anyone I meet is a simple mindset shift:
What is "IT?" Whatever YOU are focussed on right now.
>>Improving your health
>>Raising a family
>>Paying off debt
>>Starting a new hobby
>>Building a kick-ass career or business
>>Looking for the man of your dreams
If you can do what I like to call "game-i-fy" your approach (I added the hyphens because when I wrote "gamify" it autocorrected itself to "gasify"...which I do NOT recommend! Especially if you are working on the man of your dreams thing! Haha!), you will automatically have more fun with it. And if you're anything like me, you'll stick with the things you have fun with long after things you took entirely too seriously have fallen by the wayside.
Now that we have that settled, let me recommend a few things OUTSIDE your head that may help make life a wee bit better. Below you'll find lists of my favorite products from books to household must haves to the things that kept me sane during various phases of my life (like that time I was pregnant & thought it could very well be the end of me!). These are products I have actually used, loved & obsessed over for making my life better! May you find a few things here that make your life better too! Happy shopping!
What is "IT?" Whatever YOU are focussed on right now.
>>Improving your health
>>Raising a family
>>Paying off debt
>>Starting a new hobby
>>Building a kick-ass career or business
>>Looking for the man of your dreams
If you can do what I like to call "game-i-fy" your approach (I added the hyphens because when I wrote "gamify" it autocorrected itself to "gasify"...which I do NOT recommend! Especially if you are working on the man of your dreams thing! Haha!), you will automatically have more fun with it. And if you're anything like me, you'll stick with the things you have fun with long after things you took entirely too seriously have fallen by the wayside.
Now that we have that settled, let me recommend a few things OUTSIDE your head that may help make life a wee bit better. Below you'll find lists of my favorite products from books to household must haves to the things that kept me sane during various phases of my life (like that time I was pregnant & thought it could very well be the end of me!). These are products I have actually used, loved & obsessed over for making my life better! May you find a few things here that make your life better too! Happy shopping!