Welcome ASHP Midyear Friends!
It's so great to see you here! Thank you for your interest in learning more about the topics we discussed during our time together at Midyear...the world needs it! As promised, below is a link you can click to download a PDF of resources about Impostor Syndrome.
Handout: The Upside of Impostor Syndrome Info + Resources
But wait...there's more! As a special bonus for being part of my sessions at Midyear, I am including 3 videos + PDFs below from the project my book is about - Penny Perspectives! These life lessons came to me through my work picking up + donating money I found on the ground (the project has raised nearly $5,000 so far). Each one takes less than 10 minutes to do. Just watch the video & check out the combo of actions + mindset shifts that will help you make progress on whatever goals you choose to apply them to...little by little!
I hope you enjoy these extra bonus items and hope that maybe one day soon, we'll get the chance to work together again!! Until then, keep on leading & making a positive impact in all you do!
Handout: The Upside of Impostor Syndrome Info + Resources
But wait...there's more! As a special bonus for being part of my sessions at Midyear, I am including 3 videos + PDFs below from the project my book is about - Penny Perspectives! These life lessons came to me through my work picking up + donating money I found on the ground (the project has raised nearly $5,000 so far). Each one takes less than 10 minutes to do. Just watch the video & check out the combo of actions + mindset shifts that will help you make progress on whatever goals you choose to apply them to...little by little!
I hope you enjoy these extra bonus items and hope that maybe one day soon, we'll get the chance to work together again!! Until then, keep on leading & making a positive impact in all you do!
How to find YOUR recipe for success
What IS the recipe for a successful life? Don't we wish it were that simple?! There simply isn't just one recipe...there are many!
The secret is learning a few tips on how to think about & cook up YOUR recipe for success. In this video, I share my favorite way of thinking about how to prepare for success & a few of the items you'd never find me without! Click here for a PDF with additional ideas & questions you can answer to whip up a tasty recipe for success perfectly suited to the life chef that is YOU! |
The power of *FLEXIBILITY*
How do YOU measure success? Please tell me it is in a way that sets you up to actually succeed! If not, maybe it's time to adjust your techniques to measure in a way that better suits you, your goals, & who you want to be in this world!!
How we measure things is just as important - perhaps even more important - as what we are measuring. Make sure YOUR how is helping you achieve the what (& who) you really want to be! Click here for a PDF with additional ideas & questions you can answer to stay bendy when the winds of change come at you FAST! |
Moving on UP the ladder of success
How do you get up, up, UP that ladder of success?! Well, there are 2 kinds of "up" that play a vital role in advancing our dreams & goals. Are you living "up" to these ideals?
Click here for a PDF with additional ideas & questions you can answer to make your journey up the ladder one you will want to remember instead of hope to forget! **NOTE: You can climb any old ladder if you follow these principles...just make sure it's the ladder YOU really want to be climbing, not the one you think you're "supposed to" climb. Choosing the right ladder makes ALL the difference! |

If you enjoyed these Penny Perspectives & want more ideas on how small steps can lead to big things, check out Leslie's book, Penny Perspectives: Let Go of Happily Ever After & Invest in Happily Ever NOW! on Amazon. Click here to buy a copy in paperback or for your Kindle.
"It's like having a coach in your pocket!"
"I could actually HEAR Leslie's voice when I read it...it
felt like I was sitting down having a conversation with her!"